Tuesday, July 7, 2009

PalmBook Reader on Android Market

You can read the palm book(.pdb) in your android device, but it's only support the text, no image and no eReader and iSilo format.It's a simple reader, I always use it to read novel.

how to use:
1.choose a default charset
2.put you pdb books
3.menu->sync sd
4.click books name
5.select a right charset & format

Now, PalmBookReader is opensource...
If you are interested, please join to develop.

English Book
choose the Download format - PalmDoc
Charset:US-ASCII or ISO 8859-1 Format: PalmDoc

Charset:US-ASCII or ISO 8859-1 Format: Compressed Text

Chinese Book
Charset:big5 ,Format: Uncompressed Text

Someone share on Mobile01
Charset:big5 ,Format: Palm Doc

If you know the other site can download pdb, please tell me..

Relase note:
1.fix format bug
2.add color option
3.remove menu "Top", but you still can press trackball to move to top of the page.
4.add more charset

1. fix bug
2. use trackball to scroll a page up/don

Monday, July 6, 2009

How to use GeoPicker in your Android app?

Now, GeoPicker 1.1 support the Intent invoke, you can use it in your app.
If you want to ask user to choose a location, you can invoke GeoPoint by Intent. And it will return the coordinate the user picks.

-invoke GeoPicker

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
intent.setClassName("com.android.lee.geopicker", "com.android.lee.geopicker.GeoPickerActivity");

/*option: the initial locaiton*/
intent.putExtra("lat", 25135022);
intent.putExtra("lon", 121516890);

startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST);

-return coordinate

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if(requestCode ==REQUEST && resultCode ==Activity.RESULT_OK){
int latE6 = data.getIntExtra("lat", 0);
int lonE6 = data.getIntExtra("lon", 0);
-Show GeoPicker on Android Market, if GeoPicker isn't installed.
List resolvList=getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);
Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://search?q=com.android.lee.geopicker");
Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);